De-Identify Sensitive Data and Achieve CCPA Compliance

Automatically profile and mask non-production data on-prem and across the multicloud


Automate protection of California residents personal information

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) regulates how businesses manage personal information for California residents. Delphix combines compliance with API-driven data delivery to help companies reduce their data risk profile and comply with the CCPA.

Reduce the surface area of risk by 90%

Data compliance begins with profiling

Delphix automatically pinpoints personal information such as names, email addresses, and social security numbers in scope for CCPA. This positions companies to easily respond to consumer requests to expunge data or report on how data is being processed or shared.


Transform sensitive data into fictitious, yet realistic values

Masking replaces real values with fictitious values, so even if a data breach occurs, no sensitive data is exposed. This is especially important in development, test, and cloud pilot environments.


Policy-based masking from a central point of management

Configure once and centrally manage policies that you can apply consistently across the enterprise. A robust API set also allows teams to integrate Delphix with other security solutions to protect against data loss.

Deliver compliant data in minutes

Data masking combined with data delivery enables users to provision lightweight copies of masked data to developers, testers, or business analysts—in just minutes.


Key business benefits

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    Operationalize in days, not months or years
    Deploy quickly with preconfigured discovery templates and algorithms specifically for the CCPA.

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    Deliver compliant data anywhere
    Automate compliant data on-prem and across the multicloud, in just minutes.

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    Mask any data source
    Mask all of your enterprise data sources while retaining realism and referential integrity.

Fines and penalties for non-compliance

The maximum amount for fines is $7,500 per intentional violation or $2,500 per unintentional violation. For breaches exposing records for one million California residents, you could face a $2.5 billion fine. The California Attorney General can also pursue civil penalties for CCPA violations.

Hear From Our Customers

Belkin protects customer and government data in compliance with GDPR and CCPA

Read customer booklet

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