Continuous Compliance

Automatically find and mask sensitive data in days, not months


Fast, Automated Compliance

Delphix Continuous Compliance identifies sensitive information and automates data masking wherever data resides—from mainframes to modern cloud platforms. Unlike traditional solutions which take months to implement, Continuous Compliance can be implemented in days.

Enterprise data is a strategic asset but also a liability

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    Evolving privacy and industry regulations

    GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, PCI DSS, LGPD, Dodd-Frank, BSA/AML, BASEL III, and Sarbanes-Oxley

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    Crippling damages for non-compliance

    Reputation risk, 4% of revenues penalty for GDPR, $2,500 per violation for CCPA

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    Shadow data management

    While production applications are heavily guarded, sprawling non-prod data poses significant insider risk

How it works

Combine Speed and Compliance

Delphix provides an API-driven data platform that integrates data compliance while accelerating digital transformation. Continuous Compliance includes data profiling to identify PII or sensitive data and templates to automatically mask or tokenize data. Delphix masking replaces data at risk with fictitious data while maintaining referential integrity.

Identify sensitive data

Automatically discover sensitive information, such as names, email addresses, and credit card numbers across a broad range of data sources.


Mask or tokenize

Data can be tokenized and reversed, or irreversibly masked. Masking replaces sensitive data with fictitious data while maintaining referential integrity.


Define and audit

Define and apply a consistent set of compliance policies in accordance with laws such as GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA. Automate and audit what, where, and how data is masked.


Version-controlled libraries

Store and version control masked datasets for use in software development and analytics programs.


Automate data delivery

Use APIs to automatically provision masked data, clean up, and tear down environments for DevOps and CI/CD.


Automated, Flexible Data Masking

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    Easy to operationalize

    API or UI-based setup, no-code or low-code.

    Templates to identify sensitive data for specific apps, regulations.

    Out-of-the-box algorithms.

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    Supports all apps from databases to NoSQL, mainframe, files, and more.

    Supports all clouds, including PaaS, cloud-native DBs, object storage.

    Preserve referential integrity.

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    Open and extensible

    APIs to integrate with CI/CD pipelines.

    SDK to extend to new data sources.

    SDK for custom masking algorithms.

Case Study

BECU Reduces Data Risk, Deploys Products Twice As Fast

BECU ensured data compliance to protect its members with the Delphix platform, identifying and securing sensitive information across millions of rows of data for its key enterprise apps.

Read case Study

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